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Maximize your investment potential with MEXEM's fractional shares. Invest in high-value stocks and ETFs with any amount, and enjoy the flexibility and power of fractional investing.
Či už ste skúsený obchodník, alebo práve začínate svoju investičnú cestu, obchodovanie s čiastkovými akciami môže predstavovať nákladovo efektívny spôsob diverzifikácie vášho portfólia. To znamená, že môžete vlastniť časť svojich obľúbených spoločností bez ohľadu na cenu ich jednotlivých akcií.
Vyberte si svoje zásoby | Vyberte si sumu | Cena akcie | Podiel % |
AAPL | $100.00 | $186.88 | 53.51% |
NVIDIA | $100.00 | $1,037.99 | 9.64% |
META | $100.00 | $465.78 | 21.47% |
AMZN | $100.00 | $181.05 | 55.23% |
TSLA | $100.00 | $173.74 | 57.56% |
$500 Stock Portfolio |
Risk Warning:
Investing in financial markets involves significant risk and may not be suitable for all investors. The value of investments can go down as well as up, and you may receive back less than your original investment. It is important to carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite. Seek independent financial advice if necessary. Never invest money you cannot afford to lose.
The tax treatment of fractional shares can be complex, particularly with respect to dividends, capital gains, and corporate actions.
Like any other equity investment, fractional shares are subject to market risks. The value of fractional shares can fluctuate based on market conditions, company performance, and broader economic factors.
Some brokers may charge higher fees for trading fractional shares or have hidden costs that could erode investment returns.
Corporate actions such as dividends, stock splits, and mergers may be handled differently for fractional shares. Fractional share investors might receive proportional dividends or might not participate fully in certain corporate actions.
Fractional share ownership often does not come with the same rights as owning whole shares, particularly when it comes to voting on corporate matters.
Fractional shares may have lower liquidity compared to whole shares. This can make it more difficult to sell your fractional shares quickly or at your desired price.
The information in the table regarding fractional shares, including prices and percentages, is based on data as of 25/05/2024. These values are subject to change due to market fluctuations. Always verify current prices and calculations before making investment decisions.
Získajte väčšiu hodnotu za
Vaše peniaze
S čiastkovými akciami môžete svoje investície rozdeliť medzi viac akcií a dosiahnuť diverzifikovanejšie portfólio tým, že rýchlo využijete malé peňažné zostatky a maximalizujete svoje výnosy!
Vyskúšajte frakčné obchodovanie ešte dnes
Vytvorenie vyváženého portfólia s podielovými akciami
All investments involve risks, including the possible loss of capital. is a website owned and operated by MEXEM Ltd. MEXEM Ltd is a European broker regulated by CySEC, license No. 325/17.
*Terms & Conditions for the France December offer 2024
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Any advertisement or communication concerning the distribution of derivatives falling within the scope of the Regulation of the FSMA of 26 May 2016 governing the distribution of certain derivative financial instruments to retail clients is not addressed to the Belgian public.